Constitution Physical Education

Discipline Procedures
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1)  COME PREPARED FOR CLASS AND ALWAYS TRY YOUR BEST-  If you need to change your shoes, do it before class.  Remove jewelry,  money and cell phones and leave in the classroom.  Get into correct squad or huddle in oranges immediately.  A large part of your achievement grade is based on effort.  Give your best effort at all times!
2)  BE A GOOD LISTENER-  Do not move when someone is speaking.  Eyes should be on the speaker, hands and feet in own space and quiet and mouth closed.  Raise your hand to speak.
3)  TREAT OTHERS WITH RESPECT-  Always encourage others, never use put downs.
4)  USE EQUIPMENT CORRECTLY-  Treat equipment with respect, using equipment for what it is intended for.
5)  ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS-  Prevent wasted time.  Do not interfere with learning.
1)  WARNING-  This could be a quiet warning, stand beside you, or a pause and look your way when not following a rule(s).
2)  2ND TIME-  If this happens a second time, you will go to one of the 4 corners of the gymnasium for TIME OUT.  When at the cone, face the sign, read the sign and follow the directions.  When you are ready to come back, you will see the teacher and discuss your behavior and what you are going to do to improve your actions.  APOLOGIZE!
3)  3RD TIME-  If this occurs a 3rd time, you will return to TIME OUT and will remain there until the end of class.  At the end of class, you will conference with the PE teacher.  Your homeroom teacher will be notified, most likely a phone call home and a possible detention.
4)  A CROSS CAMPUS could occur if behavior warrants it.  If you totally disrupt the learning of others, a behavior referral will be written and a call made to the office to have you removed from class.