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The description has the name of the website, the main focus (health, nutrition, exercise, etc.) and a brief description of the website.

First Gov for kids, Health: A GREAT SITE! It has links to many types of health services, health questions, food information, 4-h, and many other health topics.

Dole 5 a day, Nutrition: This site was created by Dole to inform parents and kids about having a well balanced diet.

Nutrition Explorations, Nutrition: A great place for kids to learn about nutrition.

Sunwise, Health: This is a great site to learn about skin cancer prevention.

Dairy Council Of Arizona, Nutrition: This a great site for information about nutrition, great recipes, and many fun activities.

United States Department Of Agriculture, Nutrition: Information on the food pyramid.

American Association For Health Education

BAM! Aimed at youth ages 9 - 13, BAM! was created to answer kids' questions on health issues and recommend ways to make their bodies and minds healthier, stronger, and safer. is a Web site that communicates healthy eating and active living information in meaningful and relevant ways to kids aged 9-12 and their families. is intended to encourage kids and their families to begin the process of behavior change toward healthy lifestyles.

Sports Illustrated For Kids, Sports

The New Food Pyramid: This site has a lot of information on the different food groups and also includes exercise. Fill out the "My Pyramid Plan" and it will tell you the minimum servings you should eat.

Bike Safety
